Friday, February 24, 2006

botox - 8 days

There hasn't been significant progress for the past few days, but I do have to take note that there is definitely less pain than a few weeks ago. There was a time when I would wake up and immediately exclaim "ow!". Yes, definitely not as painful or stuck as before. Not to let myself down too much, I do admit that I was hoping for a more dramatic change, a cure if you will.

Thoughts have been turning to work. I have to call my boss next week, the last time I had any type of communication was back in January and even that was over email. I'm going to update her on my diagnosis and treatment and then tell her she can tell whomever asks about it. I would rather go back with people knowing as much as I can rather than answering a bunch of questions. More and more, however, I'm thinking that if I never regain complete control of my movements there's just no way I can do the job that I have right now. It might be best if they laid me off.

But then that also means I have to go into an interview explaining my condition and asking someone to look beyond it to my skillset and talents. I used to be such a confident person and I'm afraid I can't convey that sort of charisma that people look for in candidates. I'm afraid that people will think I am mentally disabled or crazy when in fact, the rest of me is completely fine.


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