Saturday, April 15, 2006

almost impossible again

In the past week, past few days actually, I've noticed my condition worsen exponentially. Perhaps it's the botox wearing off, but my head is uncontrolled in a dystonic posture almost all the time again. Not even the sensory trick of holding my hand to the side of my face is working. I don't know if this is worse than before, but now my right shoulder seems to be countering too.

With the dystonia, so comes the pain.

I've taken to wearing the brace almost all the time now, as much as possible without it getting really uncomfortable. But as the dystonia gets worse and my head fights the brace, the more painful it becomes.

I dread the day that it will be impossible to use a computer again, but until it comes I've taken to editing videos as a pastime.

The doctor has increased the dosage of artane, so far with little noticeable effect. I haven't been as depressed as I have been, but I think it's just a good wave right now. I still miss the days of normality.


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